Friday, April 29, 2011


I'm either sick or having serious allergies.

Woke up with my throat sore....and I've felt run-down and off and on again warm all day.
So I'm either sick or it's allergies giving me a big 'f-you'.
Makes me sad.

Mum came over, had a good day....had lunch, did price-checking. Walmart won the price war. Darn them. Oh well.
Basically I'm going to try and minimize anything that I do not have a coupon for. Obviously I'll have times where that just won't work....but prioritize my purchases.

Got some coupons printed....finished sewing my apron strings....tried to take a nap, which worked but not.

I didn't get up super early to watch the Royal Wedding, I did manage to get up at 6. I got to see the split second smooch. *cute*

I put in an order online at for some pet food. I'm hoping the cans of Dave's Turkey and Giblets food goes over alright. *gulp*


  1. If it's allergies, take something for them and see if you feel better. :-)

    Better than feeling crummy!

    I ended up watching a good part of the ceremony, live and in rerun and via live-streaming. Ah, this cynic caved in...what can I say? LOL.

  2. I sure hope you feel better, allergies or not, feeling yucky is....well, yucky!

  3. I was mum came over and said she wanted to use my computer. I'm like 'why for?' to watch the wedding of course!
    I couldn't believe it.

    My nasal spray seems to be doing nothing. I'm thinking I'm more sick than allergies. But will take something that won't make me sleepy...need to eat something first. Meh.
