Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thankful Thursday

but really it was Thankful Wednesday Night.

I let Bella out of the bathroom before I hunkered down in bed. Then I hear a jingle of a little bell, and wouldn't you know? She came up to sleep with me in bed. She snuggled next to my hip. Cordelia came up and of course tested the limits of patience with Bella. She did behave herself, and hunkered down by my feet/ankles.

I was a very happy cat mom last night.

I had a dream I found the rouge cat that the neighbor people left. I'm thinking this will be unlikely, to be honest...but eh. Never know.

Just got a call from the dentist office confirming my appointment tomorrow. Joy.
I suppose I should do my work-out. I'm perfectly content sitting here and sipping coffee. I have coffee to sip afterwards. I can even have my waffles too.


  1. How sweet that both girls came and slept with you! That's a real "happy."

    The dentist? Not so much! :-D

  2. Isn't it nice when things are kind of crummy to have the simple joy of snuggling with the cats.

  3. Kitty snuggles make everything better. Especially since Bella hasn't really snuggled in bed with me for awhile. :)
    Hate saying I'm hopeful for the dentist visit-that if I am right and have a cavity, it's easily fixed. More importantly, hope to have a dentist man not belittle me.
