Thursday, August 9, 2012

I has an award?!

Bryan from Bryan's Cats gave me a Versatile Blogger award!

Well, that just makes me feel a little good right there :)

I'll admit, my writing has been less than frequent. I think I'll catch up more in the winter when I do not have a bike to keep me entertained so much.
Goal-October=buy my new bike.

We have a new trail bridge now-so one could literally ride Trout Run in a giant circle around the town of Decorah.

It's somewhat a nice day so far, the temperature isn't too bad. So I have the AC off (gasp! Do not tell Bill!) and the door open for the kitties to get some sunshine. Soon I will come upon them with toothbrush in hand. Surprise kiddos, it's teeth time!

Today I have been a cat welding fiend. A kitten will be coming into foster care tomorrow. I have arranged a person who can do outdoor fostering to possibly take in a mother and 6 kittens (ack. 6 kittens.) I also should see if I can get it set up to get spayed at Postville sooner rather than later.

A spay voucher for a friend of mine who I feel has finally seen the light. Thank god.

Work has been a hoot. Slower yesterday...Tuesday the POS system died on us. Monday I was informed the pos was going to possibly die-lots of questions were asked by people, and some people had unrealistic expectations of the frond end's free time to deal with 80+ bottle returns.
Sunday I opened the store; lots of weird questions-short staffed and having to deal with that. Not the easiest thing in the book.

I wonder what today will bring. At least we have a new pos system that so far, isn't doing terrible-but we are having glitches here n' there. Like funky receipt tapes printing for no reason, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Concats on the award!

    Whatever the day brings, no doubt it will be an "adventure." LOL.
