Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I understand why Phoebe has been jumping on the stove. You would think I would remember that I was drying cat nip on top of the fridge.

Well, my middle child seems to have a "drug problem"

Will be attempting to take Cordie for a drive later today (with leash and harness) I'll have to make her exam and rabies shot appointment later this month. The carrier is fine being out in the home 24/7, but when she's in the carrier in the car-she panics. My guess is that her experience when I picked her up from Postville is just embedded into her brain. (she peed in the carrier)
Last time she left the vet-she had left a tiny poo in there. She was that scared. She acts worried with the leash and harness, but then is crying while looking out the window (with interest). However, it's not easy to drive with her crawling all over me (quite possibly illegal). I need to have a hired hand for the vet appointment. (if Bill isn't home)

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