Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy Day!

Well, some good news today. I'm feeling better! (it's been tough to tell if allergies or a cold-I felt like I had a cold on top of allergies). I've been taking Cold Snap, and last night took some theraflu (just to help me sleep) and had a good night of sleep (unlike Friday, where I didn't sleep at ALL.)

Foster person called me yesterday (and emailed this a.m.) that Clay and Jemma are getting adopted today! Oh that is great news! They have been in foster care so long-we recently had them moved to a new foster home and now they are getting adopted!

Then same foster person emailed me, a person who had adopted Huey from her contacted a foster person and wants to adopt Hannah! Oh that is great! The foster person who has Hannah said that she's having issues with her foster cats, so now she will be down to 3 foster cats.

I'm so happy for some good news today. And to slowly feel better. I'm going to have a day in as a hermit, and it's going to be grrrreat!

Oh yes, Phoebe had her vet appointment yesterday. She did very well. Vet says she looks great!
I had a friend who found me a 2 dollar handmade coat tree at a garage sale yesterday. Pretty darn neat, and just what I wanted. Bill added some more hooks, so it's a bit more functional :)

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